Choppy video on input

Applies to the Following Products:

- USB 2.0 Video Capture Device (JU-AV0012-S1)





1) When I hook up my vhs-c camera, without even starting to record, I see choppy video on the input screen.  Not all the time, but most of the time.

2) Works fine with S-video input, but fails to work with composite video 



1) When I hook up my vhs-c camera, without even starting to record, I see choppy video on the input. Not all the time, but most of the time.
2) Work fine with S video but fail to work with composite video 



1. Plug the USB 2.0 Video Capture Device into a different USB 2.0 port.


2. Did you select the correct input source?

If you don't know how to select it, you can refer to the below link (see page 9 to page 13)



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