Q: Device not found


Applies to the Following Products:

- USB over IP (ID-DS0011-S1)
- USB over IP 1-Port (ID-DS0512-S1)
- 1-Port RS-232/422/485 Ethernet to Serial Device Server (ID-DS0111-S1)
- 2-Port RS-232/422/485 Ethernet to Serial Device Server (ID-DS0211-S1)




USB over IP can not be found or can not connect to device.




Follow the solutions below to check your setting:


Please disable the firewall on the operating system.


Check USB over IP device IP is the same subnet and subnet mask as the computer.


If the problem still exists after checking all solutions then this product maybe defective.  Please return it where you purchased it from.  If you are passed the vendor's return policy go to the link below to apply for repair/exchange with SIIG.






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