Q: USB 3.0 Data KM Magic Switch Console Cable Installation and Operating Tips

The cable is little complicated to install and use. Here are several tips to help you with the product.

A) You'll need to run the EXE application in each system. I had a issue the 1st time running it, so I unplugged the cable on both computers and re-plugged it into a different USB port. Please try doing that if the program doesn't run properly.

B) Look for a "USB3 Magic Switch" quick start icon placed in the taskbar's "Show Hidden Icons" App on bottom right by the system clock. Right click on the USB3 Magic Switch icon to see the status and other information.

C) If you continue to have connection issues, right click on the "USB3 Magic Switch" icon and click on "Exit", then click "OK' to close. Do this on both computers. Unplug the cable from both computers and re-plug. Run the EXE file again on both computers. The cable should successfully pair. If not, try these steps again.

D) When you get the cable working, you can move the mouse cursor across the two screens, copy and paste from one system to the other and delete files.

E) Mouse cursor operation: How to virtually change the position of the computers - right click the "USB3 Magic Switch" icon, click on "The Position of the other PC", select the appropriate option.

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